SALE & 2nd choice

If you're looking for remaining stock, second choice items or exhibition pieces this is the right place. In this category you will find items of high quality with savings potential!
Each item description provides further information on the individual item (and potential visual defects). If there are no defects/faults mentioned at the beginning of the description of an item, the item is brand-new.
All items in this category are in technically perfect condition and have been checked by qualified personnel. Naturally you will receive a 2-year warranty on the function of every watch. For more information on the warranty please check the frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Each item description provides further information on the individual item (and potential visual defects). If there are no defects/faults mentioned at the beginning of the description of an item, the item is brand-new.
All items in this category are in technically perfect condition and have been checked by qualified personnel. Naturally you will receive a 2-year warranty on the function of every watch. For more information on the warranty please check the frequently asked questions (FAQ).
- Clearance items: Just like every other business we have to take inventories and destock items now and then. The good news for you is: you get the chance to save money and probably find rare collector's items!
- 2nd choice / exhibitions pieces: Items listed as 2nd choice and exhibition pieces have an impeccable technical state. Though, there might be some light, barely visible visual defects on the watch cases or on the straps/bracelets. These defects accured from exhibitions or transport route. If you have any questions or concerns about the items (or potential visual defects) in this category please get in touch with us: Contact
Show 1 to 32 (from a total of 41 products)